Election Day!

Hey everyone! It's election day, and since it is a Tunes-day I would be doing my radio show tonight, but these aren't normal circumstances. I really wish I could share some music with on the air, but I figured my next best bet was to make a post on here anyway.

In honor of election, I think it is crucial that we recognize that not everyone's going to be happy. In fact, a lot of people will probably angry at the results, however long it's going to take for them to count it... weirdest election ever I must say. Therefore, what better way to celebrate our political freedoms than to complain about our country.

This is my political-themed playlist of the night.

Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA

This is probably the most iconic song on the list. It's kind of strange how so many people like it's patriotism when it's actually disavowing that blind patriotism.

And no Reagan, you can't use this song for your campaign. 

Public Enemy - Fight the Power

If you haven't been paying attention, which I don't know what rock you've been under, there has been a lot of "fighting the power" lately. In terms of injustice in our country, there's a lot that improved, but we still have got a long way to go.

*this song is a radio edited version because I only would play non-offensive stuff on the radio*

Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit

I first learned about this song in my History of Jazz class, and it is very dark. Lynching is not a topic you hear about in songs all the time, and this one is haunting.

Sex Pistols - God Save the Queen

Hey! The British don't like their government too. How nice!

Patti Smith - People Have the Power

I try to balance my playlist as well as I can gender-wise, but do you know how hard it is to find protest songs written by women. It took some digging, and I don't if this qualifies, but it's title is at least relevant to the election. People have power... so vote!

Lesley Gore - It's My Party

Okay, it's not a political song, but this is for all the losers out there. Whether you are a republican or a democrat, "it's your party and you can cry if you want to." Don't worry; I won't judge.

That's it for today. I really miss my radio show, even if my audience is small/nonexistent. I'm hoping for some changes to our current situation, and tonight the times they are a-changin'

If you want to check these songs out on Spotify. I put them on my radio show playlist and they are the most recently added. You can check out the playlist by clicking the link in the side bar.