Sophie's Spotlight: Nena

This is going to go on a bit of a tangent, so hang in there with me.

If you have Netflix, or use *cough* other methods, you might know or have heard of the show Dark. It is honestly really hard to explain. Some people call it a darker Stranger Things. I think it is as if Stranger Things and The OA (RIP) had a mutant German baby. 

Wait did I mention it was German?

Anyway, there is time travel in it and some characters are in the 80s at some points, then I see this music video in part of the show.

Note: it is not the best quality video but I was trying to find the exact music video in the show

Multiple thoughts are going through my head: "hey that's a catchy song" and "wait I know who she is in the music video..." I knew it was Nena!

After googling, I found the song "Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgenwann," proceeded to buy the song because I got it stuck in my head, and eventually decided to make this post.

Tangent done.

Nena is the stage name for Gabriele Susanne Kerner, a German singer-songwriter. To us Americans, she is known for her very famous "99 Luftballons" and the lesser-known English version "99 Red Balloons." In fact, this song was the very first song I played on my radio show (hence why I recognized her so easily on Dark)!

99 Luftballons

99 Red Balloons

However, she has a much stronger legacy in her native Deutschland. Besides the aforementioned "Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann," she released many other songs with her band named Nena.

After the 80s, the rest of her musical ventures were solo, but she has kept busy. In each decade since, she has released new music, including this song from 2005 below.

Now she has her own record label, and her daughter is on it. Imagine having your mom as your boss... 

The point is you should watch Dark, and maybe next Oktoberfest, tune in to some Nena while drinking responsibly.