Sophie's Spotlight: Fazerdaze

On this day, I was supposed to have my Bandcamp-themed show. Unfortunately, I cannot have it because... life... Even though I can't do my show, I can still highlight an artist who you can support on Bandcamp.

Real name Amelia Murray, Fazerdaze is a one-woman music act from New Zealand. Her music is best described as bedroom-pop, but I feel some of it echoes shoegaze

I first discovered Fazerdaze on youtube while scrolling through my recommended videos and immediately fell in love with her song "Little Uneasy" which I played on a study music day last spring.

Although this type of music is not what I usually go for, I find her simplistic songs shine through in a way that others like it don't. Her voice is hushed and repetitive, giving you time to go into a sweet trance. When I need a chance to cool down from life, her songs give me a bit of escape.

She last came out with an album in 2017 called Morningside, but I look forward to any future work she may release in the future.

Support her by clicking here