In case you didn’t know, I am part of the Latin American
Student Organization (LASO) so I will tell you about the super duper awesome
FIESTA!!!! Here I’ll include an event description that I wrote myself *wink
University of Wisconsin’s Latin American Student
Organization (LASO) is hosting Fiesta, a celebration of Latin culture. The
theme of the night is “I Am, I Belong,” a unique perspective into the stories of
Latin American immigrants within La Crosse. The event includes a dinner,
presentation, and dance featuring the live band Grupo Candela. Tickets
are free for UWL students and $5 for the general public, which can be purposed
at the front desk of the student union on the UWL campus. Make sure to purchase
your tickets soon. The maximum number of tickets is sold 200 and its filling up
quickly, so buy your tickets ASAP. We would love to party with you at FIESTA!!!
I’m planning on having someone else from LASO featured on
one of my upcoming shows so things could get real exciting here!!!
(I love exclamation points today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)