Do you need motivation? Then, no fear for Sophie is here to save the day with some motivational music!
How about a song with the word motivation in the title?
Put on the Pressure
If you don't have enough stress in your life to be motivated (haha we're college students, what life?), listen to this song. It makes me feel like I am having a heart attack. Even the video puts me a bit on edge.
Note: Queen's "Under Pressure might be the safer bet.
Your Own Personal Cheerleader
You may be having a tough day, but you can get through it. I believe in you! Nothing can stop you! Ain't no mountain high enough to stop you!
You're Unstoppable
Nothing like video game music to motivate you as it is the soundtrack to your great accomplishments (that is if you consider 100% completion a great accomplishment). Better yet, there are 35 minutes of all-powerful Mario in this video. That's 35 minutes of motivation. Get crackin'!
Dance Break
Maybe what you really need is some motivation to dance. In that case, this will do the trick.
Let's Do This
You may not be Jack Sparrow, but with this song on your side, you could easily kick some pirate booty (get it... booty... *crickets*... okay I'll go in a corner)
Be a Champion
It has come to my attention that many of my peers are unaware of the greatness that is Rocky. If you listen to this famous song from those movies than you can knock out even Mr. T.
Speaking of Mr. T, the person Rocky fights in the third movie, Rocky III has another trick up its sleeve.
Therefore, "Eye of the Tiger" is the answer to all your motivation problems. You're welcome.
What are you waiting for?
The time is now, no time like the present, yada yada... you get the point