Magical Submission Box!

Because I like to know what exactly my audience wants (or I'm just clueless about what I'm doing), I have created my Magical Submission Box!

*cue applause*

You may wonder, "What can I do with this? What exactly is this for?" and those are some very good questions.

The Magical Submission Box is a multipurpose form that listeners, readers, students, etc. can fill out for whatever suits their desire. Questions, suggestions, requests, you name it! They call fit in the Magical Submission Box.

Then you may think, "I'm still confused about what I can do with this," and it's okay. I'll explain some examples. With this box you can:
  • Make a song request
  • Make a theme request
  • Ask a question to be an answered on my radio show or blog
  • Send complaints
  • Suggest ways to make my show or blog better
  • Ask to be a guest on my radio show
  • Ask to have a local artist (could be yourself) featured on the show
  • Inform me of events or news
  • Take a break from studying
  • Rant about your roommate
  • Relieve boredom
If you wish to be contacted by yours truly (especially if you want to be featured on my show or you have a personal question you would like to be contacted individually on) please include either an email or phone number or both. I prefer email, but if phone works better for you then that works also. Other than that, your submissions can remain completely anonymous.

One more thing before you get too excited. If you put something in the submission box, I may read it to listeners or post it on this blog. If you do not wish for that to happen, put in ALL CAPS at the top: FOR SOPHIE'S EYES ONLY.

Now that I got all the basics out of the way. What are you waiting for? Add to the submission box today!

On another note, today the theme was math rock (and no they don't sing about calculus or anything). If you're interested, but intensely saddened that you missed it, check out my mixcloud where I post my radio shows after they're live here.